Mission Statement

 SEENAH supports underprivileged communities both locally and globally in their effort to become sustainable through economics, education, nutrition and health by engaging the ASD community. 


SEENAH's flagship project is the Masooli School in Uganda, supporting a variety of initiatives to improve and support the school. Students also have the opportunity to participate in SEENAH Cares. This program allows High School ASD students to support a cause they truly believe in, providing a platform to take their ideas from the drawing board to reality. It can be an individual, group or community project. Funding for projects and the Masooli School is raised through the annual SEENAH Jumble Sale and DUCE. 



Compassion-The ethos of SEENAH is based on compassion. Students demonstrate their compassion through their ideas, attendance and particpation. The SEENAH Jumble Sale highlighted their visible excitement with helping others and those in need.

Excellence-At the HS level,  students thrive on giving to the best of their abilities. Through their leadership and organizational skills, students strive for excellence to obtain positive outcomes of their initiatives. They are open to learning from their experiences.

At the MS level, students use their observation skills, collaborate on projects and are eager to volunteer and  support High School initiatives.

Integrity-Handling finances along with ensuring transparency in an organization illustrates their integrity.

Respect-Respect is an integral part of SEENAH on many levels. Students respect each other, those in need, faculty, administration and other volunteers in our community. In turn, adults in SEENAH respect respect the students and their ideas--whatever the idea.

Responsibility-Students show responsibility in various ways: 1. Atendeance; 2. Leadership (Officers and Project Leaders); 3. Logistics; and 4. Post Project evaluation.